Artificial Intelligence

Posts related to Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI in Pharma: 5 ‘high-impact’ use cases for Gen AI in pharma today

From the identification of target patients using unstructured data from medical records to the generation of personalized promotional and medical texts, all the way to interactive digital sales agents and self-managed customer support, generative AI will lead to revolutionary innovations in the pharmaceutical sector.

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Discover how Generative AI is set to Transform Innovation, Growth, Productivity and Competitiveness

As generative AI becomes more widely deployed and adopted, it is set to fundamentally transform the way we do business in the future – assuming that workforce reconversion, and the inherent risks of this technology, can be mastered and controlled from the outset; the result will have a major impact on socio-economic progress.

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How to make the transition into the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) easier for everyone?

The development and adoption of AI is profoundly transforming the future of work – not just job quality, but also how work is organized, the nature of the tasks we perform and therefore the skills that we’ll need.

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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A Snapshot of Current Trends

From drug discovery to greater accuracy in early disease detection, diagnosis, and personalized treatment, AI could be the next game-changer in healthcare.

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