
The art of inspiring and empowering others to become the best version of themselves.

Optimal Decision-Making Requires Polarity Thinking

How to navigate challenges that may seem like binary choices – but aren’t. Polarity thinking is a concept that challenges “either/or” choices for the benefit of “both/AND” solutions. The most effective decisions often lie in the space between binary choices.

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Wartime Leadership Lessons for Today's Business Leaders

What can corporate leaders learn from executives who served their country during wartime conflicts? Lessons from the experience of Walt Disney, Dwight Eisenhower, General George S. Patton.

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100 th Post: The 'Joyful Warrior' Mindset: A Powerful Blueprint for Success in Life and Effective Leadership.

Being a ‘joyful warrior’ is not only a great way to conceive of leadership, but also an effective mindset for successfully dealing with the challenges of personal and professional life.

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Enhance your Decision-Making: Outsmart Cognitive Biases and Fallacies

When faced with a decision, it's essential to recognize that cognitive biases, known as “flawed thinking”, can cloud logical reasoning. Whether the decision is professional or personal, acknowledging these mental traps is the first step towards clear thinking. 

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On the Difficulty to Retire as We Age: e.g. Joe Biden

The art of letting go is a transformative journey, a testament to our resilience and our capacity to find closure in the chapters of our lives. As we navigate the delicate balance between what was and what can be, “letting go” creates space for new beginnings with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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On creative destruction: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”– Peter Drucker

Sometimes, bold and proactive actions are what it takes to fundamentally redefine and transform the present for a better tomorrow, whether in business, in our personal lives or in politics.

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The Five Critical Questions to Improve your Decision-Making in Business and Life

When faced with a major opportunity or challenge in our professional or personal life, such as embarking on a new business venture, relocating to a new country or buying a home, there are 5 types of questions we should ask ourselves before moving forward.

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Silence - Neurons on Air!

The transformative power of silence: How silence works its magic on the brain and body to enhance our mental and physical well-being, as well as our leadership effectiveness.

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The ‘culture of victimhood’: a highly effective way to manipulate reality and spread fake news

A consistent trend is emerging in today's world: the ‘culture of victimhood’ is rampant. Often perpetrated by individuals, leaders, politicians or cultural groups seeking to feed their egos and magnify their personal importance, or to justify the harm inflicted on others by invoking their moral superiority. Ultimately, this self-perception is a recipe for disaster.

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Leading in a Hostile World: Dealing with Collective Stress – and Our Own – in Times of High Tension.

Anxiety and fear have become a widely universal experience. And there is no shortage of causes: from the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic to ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, to climate change. Faced with so many uncertainties and tensions, the world's leaders are challenged to inspire and guide their people, while keeping their own insecurities in check.

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Excellence Never Happens by Accident

Excellence is a prerequisite for a happy, successful, and fulfilling life. The quest for excellence may look different for each one of us, but it calls for the same set of core skills, irrespective of where we are on our life’s journey.

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Lessons from Peter Drucker's Approach to Business Strategy in an Era of Fast-Paced Change

Today’s organizations are in constant flux. New business models are emerging, new technologies are being developed, and consumer behavior is shifting. Peter Drucker's guiding principles for successful strategy management have never been more relevant than today.

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It’s time for organizations to radically rethink the employee experience

Evidence from around the world supports the value of flexibility in the workplace: it enhances work-life balance, boosts productivity and organizational results by increasing employee engagement and performance.

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As "High Profile" Burnouts are on the Rise, the Stigma of Burnout is Trending Down for the Rest of Us

Burnout is highly prevalent and much talked about in the abstract, as a set of signs and symptoms. Now, with prominent names such as Ms. Ardern, Simone Biles, and Pope Benedict XVI personally connected to the subject, it becomes more real and relatable to us.

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What can the World Cup Teach Business Leaders about Top Performance?

Exceptional events occur when ordinary leaders and people rise to the challenge of attempting the seemingly impossible. In so doing, they become extraordinary leaders and extraordinary people.

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Stalking Hubris, Before It Leads To A Fall

In a constantly evolving environment with hybrid work arrangements, the danger is real that some executives will lose touch with reality or cultural norms. A leader plagued by hubris is a major source of toxicity at work.

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Putin’s aggression in Ukraine Echoes Hitler’s actions in the late 1930s

Historical parallels indicate that both despots used the same playbook, but the forceful and decisive interventions of the Western states suggest a very different outcome this time around.

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Does Success in Business and in Life rely on Similar Strategic Approaches?

The same basic management concepts that drive business success may also be applied to make better choices in life

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How Can We Lead with Compassion and Care while Dealing with Daily Pressures and Stress During a Crisis ?

The more compassionate we are as leaders, the deeper we connect with people and address their daily concerns, the sooner we will set the stage for business recovery and success.

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Building Resilience in a Hostile World: Survival, Adaptability, and Transformability are All Required for Growth.

In an uncertain and ever-changing world, the art of survival is not to resist, but to adapt and transform. Would you agree that change - no matter how painful – can act as a catalyst for continued growth and renewal?

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Neoteny – The Secret to Being a Lifelong Leader

The successful application of a biological concept to leadership practices.

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Is There an Influence of Era on Leadership Values and Behaviors?

A fascinating study that started in 1938 continues to give us insightful information, in particular: “Does the era in which a person lives ultimately influence his or her worldview and overall aspirations?”

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The Power of Personal Leadership – It Starts with You!

Results of a landmark study describing a magical process by which ordinary people of all ages become leaders.

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Self-Actualization – Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

As human beings, we have basic psychological needs for personal growth and development throughout our lives. By achieving self-actualization, we are able to find meaning and purpose in our lives and lead a more fulfilling life. What are six essential characteristics of a self-actualized person?

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